Longwood University is committed to providing ample means by which students can share their concerns and suggestions and formally issue a complaint or grievance. 

The following table includes links to academic and non-academic procedures that are to be used for

  • Issuing an appeal
  • Grievance
  • Misconduct
  • Sexual misconduct / Title IX
Office Name/Type of Complaint Link to Information
Academic Suspension Appeals

Undergraduate Petition of Academic Suspension Procedures

Graduate Dismissal Policy

Accessibility Resources Accessibility Resources Grievance Procedure
Bias Incidents / Title VI (for student behavior) Say Something Reporting Form
Complaints about Faculty, Teaching and/or Curriculum

If you have any questions about filing a faculty, teaching and/or curriculum complaint, please use this link to find a list of academic departments and programs and contact the following people in this order until the complaint is resolved. Decisions regarding complaints are final at the conclusion of the process below:

  1. The faculty member involved in the complaint
  2. The faculty member’s department chair
  3. The dean of the college involved in the complaint
For grade concerns, see the Grade Appeal procedure below. 
Complaints about Longwood Students Student Handbook – Filing of Disciplinary Charges
Complaints about Staff Members

If you have complaints about a staff member, please use this link to find a list of offices and services and contact the following people in this order until the complaint is resolved. Decisions regarding complaints are final at the conclusion of the process below.

  1. The staff member involved in the complaint
  2. The staff member’s supervisor
  3. The head of the office or unit involved in the complaint
Counseling and Psychological Services Counseling and Psychological Services Complaints Procedure
Grade Appeals See Grade Appeals in the Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog
Graduate Student Academic Appeals See Academic Regulations in the Graduate Catalog
Hazing/Abusive Behavior Student Handbook – Filing of Disciplinary Charges and Notification of Hearing, and/or Say Something
Modification of Undergraduate Degree Requirements Policy on Modification of General Education or Additional Degree Requirements & Procedure for Petitioning
Parking Appeals Parking Citation Appeals Procedures
Residency/Domicile appeals See Expenses and Financial Policy, Qualifying for Virginia Tuition Rates in the Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals Satisfactory Academic Progress and Appeal Process
Student-Athlete Grievances and Appeals Student-Athlete Handbook – Grievance Procedures
Sexual Misconduct / Title IX Complaints Title IX Reporting Options and/or Say Something
Student Conduct Decision Appeals Student Handbook – Appeal Process
Student Records Disputes FERPA - Student Records and Annual Notification, Policy 1009
Tuition Appeals Tuition Appeals Procedure
Tuition Surcharge Complaints 125% Credit Hour Threshold/Appeals

Grievance/Complaint Process

Complaints about any function of the university are handled directly by the involved faculty or staff member and their direct supervisor in a timely manner. Please see Policy 1007 - Documentation of Written Student Complaints and the Student Handbook for additional information regarding student complaints, appeals, and grievances.

Formal Written Complaint

In the occasion that an undergraduate student fails to receive a resolution, please email sasuggestionscomplaints@joanrobots.net  to submit a formal written complaint.

In the occasion that a graduate student fails to receive a resolution, please email graduate@joanrobots.net to submit a formal written complaint.

Please include the following within the email:

  • An overview of the problem including dates and names of individuals involved
  • Any description of action(s) taken thus far in an attempt to resolve the matter
  • Any supporting documentation or correspondence to support the complaint

Confirmation of receipt and assurance of routing to the appropriate office(s) for review and response can be expected within one business day.

These email addresses should NOT be used to submit complaints or grievances regarding the following

Appeals related to

  • Academic suspension
  • Damage
  • Grades
  • Parking
  • Residency/domicile
  • Satisfactory academic progress
  • Student-athlete policy
  • Student conduct decisions
  • Tuition

Complaints of

  • Discrimination
  • Student misconduct including hazing
  • Sexual misconduct / Title IX
  • Accessibility Resource grievances

Filing a Complaint with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Longwood University accepts the oversight of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), the Commonwealth’s coordinating body for higher education, in resolving complaints from students taking distance education under the aegis of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA).  If a student has exhausted the avenues provided by Longwood and the complaint has not been resolved internally, the student can submit a Student Complaint Form to SCHEV.  The form and more details on the formal SCHEV student complaint procedure can be found on the SCHEV Student Complaints web page.

Filing a Complaint in All Other States

If a distance learning student residing out-of-state while enrolled in a Longwood course has exhausted the student complaint avenues provided by Longwood and the complaint has not been resolved internally, the student can submit a complaint about Longwood University with the state in which the student resides.